Cider with Rosie by Laurie Lee

cider with rosie

I somehow managed to get through school, university and most of my twenties without reading Lee’s seminal memoir of everyday life in early 20th century rural Britain. When Penguin sent me this beautiful new Mark Hearld designed edition of all three of Laurie Lee’s memoirs, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to discover such a classic piece of British literature. I imagined rather quintessential scenes of romping in hayfields and picking berries in hedgerows during long, drowsily hot summers, and idyllic snow-bound Christmases spent huddled around the fire. There is an element of this, but there is so much more, and by the time I closed the pages I felt extraordinarily moved as well as educated by Lee’s vividly poetic realisation of a vanished world.

Cider with Rosie opens on a heady afternoon amidst the fields of the tiny Gloucestershire village of Slad, just before the end of WWI. Lee was three, and he, his mother and crowd of siblings had just moved into a rambling, tumbledown cottage that soon became filled with the chaos of family life. The family, dominated by girls, was close and loving, especially as Lee’s father abandoned them after the war, sending only a few pounds now and again to support his eight children, four of whom were with his previous wife. Lee’s imaginative, adoring and eccentric mother was the centre of his world, creating a warm and safe if not rather chaotic environment for her children. His older sisters, Marge, Doth and Phyl, were ever present sources of comfort, and his brothers, Jack and Tony, lively playmates. As he grew up, Lee began to leave the cocoon of home and edge out into the wider world of the village. School was the stuff of legend; crammed into one room with a hodge-podge of village children carrying their lunch in buckets, lorded over by a Victorian didact of a teacher and with nothing to do but memorise letters and numbers, Lee found the experience largely uninspiring. The rest of the local community were a mixture of hardy young terrors and black dress and bonnet clad old women from a time impossibly distant, who still referred to people as ‘thee’ and ‘thou’ and spent their days making dangerously potent wine from whatever could be found in the fields. The Squire of the village was the local benefactor, opening up his house and gardens for fetes and fancy dress parades that caused excitement for days. Sundays were spent at church, Christmas was always freezing and snowy, filled with the sound of bands of boys roaming across the whitened fields, carol singing. This was a small world, bound by tradition and community, and untouched by any of the modern conveniences we now take for granted. The boundaries of their existence were measured by the speed of their legs or their horse; many had never been further than Stroud, the nearest town, and nor did many want to.

What I found most striking about this memoir is the sheer difficulty and effort of everyday life. Lee’s mother spent all day fighting to keep her fire going, cleaning, sweeping, cooking and shopping for food. She had no time for anything else. With no central heating, the Lees were often freezing in winter, and huddled together in their beds for warmth at night. There was never any money, never much variety in the food that was available to eat, and the only extravagance for the children was a once-yearly outing to the sea organised by the church. Childhood illnesses were frequent and often deadly, with the houses having such poor heating and ventilation and the community having limited access to medical help. The community was close, and looked after one another, but I was surprised by how many older people were left living alone, with no family to help them. The rural location of the village meant that there were not a huge amount of jobs available, and so many young people moved away from their roots, something that Lee mentions towards the end of his memoir. With the development of industry and technology, people’s eyes had been opened and horizons had been widened, and so Slad gradually became dominated by the old, unrecognisable from the lively village of all ages it had once been when the world was a smaller and more isolated place.

Lee paints a beautiful, haunting picture of a lost England, as well as an affectionate and loving portrayal of his wonderful family. This is no look through rose tinted glasses, though; Lee is clear about the hardships of living at a time when poverty was the norm for many, and domestic life was a constant struggle to maintain comfort and order without any help from technology. As my grandmother, who grew up in a similar setting, always says, if people really knew what it was like to live back then, they wouldn’t be so keen to hark back to the ‘good old days’. However, Lee’s memories reveal the many pleasures in a simple existence without the constant distractions and pressures of our modern life, when family and community were paramount, and children could find plenty to amuse themselves in their natural surroundings without needing an iPad to keep them occupied. I was absolutely swept away by his gorgeous prose and wry, warm voice; I loved every minute of Cider with Rosie and can’t wait to read Lee’s other memoirs.



  1. Richard says:

    One of the great reads of my early teens.

    1. bookssnob says:

      I wish I had read it earlier!

  2. booketta says:

    I read this in school but have forgotten so long ago. Perhaps I should read it again.

    1. bookssnob says:

      You definitely should – it’s so worth reading and enjoying as an adult.

  3. genusrosa says:

    I love this book; his memory of those tiny, illuminating details of ordinary life still astonishes me

    1. bookssnob says:

      Yes; Lee had such a gift for capturing the special moments of life.

  4. Marilyn Seminara says:

    My cousin in Scotland sent me this book and I loved it. I didn’t know he had other books, so please give the titles and I can search for them. Thank you for writing about “Rosie.”

    1. bookssnob says:

      Marilyn, there are two more in this volume – As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning and A Moment of War. I hope you can track them down!

  5. Royston Greenwood says:

    I liked your review of Laurie Lee’s ‘Cider with Rosie’. I remember reading it as a teenager (I’m now 69) and being drawn by its gentle evocation of a time past, and the charm of early stirrings of attraction to girls. Your review has prompted me to seek it out and read it again – which i will do once i gain a new copy. (I looked on my bookshelf and whist i still have my rather faded copy of Lee’s As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning, Cider with Rosie is, regrettably, somewhere in my past) .

    I think you would like J.L Carr’s A Month in the Country. It’s really rather nostalgic but beautifully written. Please give it a try.


    1. bookssnob says:

      I hope you’ll re-read it, Royston – it’s one of those books that you can carry with you through all ages of life, and gain something new from each time. I just read A Month in the Country on your recommendation – I adored it, thank you! I shall post my review shortly!

    2. DuC says:

      Good Read Indeed Folks
      Nice comments both Royston and WP-Admin 🙂
      I have a post similar about which this very Sunday morn I prepare and shall publish hencewith 😉
      Good Luck All U Kind Folk Esp. those on as the utmost Honest creatives with no more ambition but to share classic literature and creativity such as this: an English as an olde England story could be..,
      As ‘Cider with Rosie ‘ is thought by wellminded well read wise Englishmen men and women to be the predominant lost history log of olde rural England.
      Sadly now lost in urban coatic modern day cruel sprawl.
      It’s been, speaking for oneself and many more i do believe a most immediate withdrawal and sorrowful sweetless parterting from the those fields of Laurie Lee’s ‘Cider with Rosie’ (we mention here) to the factory floor. Where we find now in this their post-modern / post-industrial age: The Factory Gate Locked.
      So what we young men to do ?! But sit outside our former place of lively industrious wealth lunch buckets filled each payday Friday night week until the Ghate reopens?!
      I scarce they’d even consider it, those with our labours dividend creamed off profits spent on themselves, the rich leave us former employees now, unemployable, pennyless except wealth handouts and church charity parish relief
      Bus them bastards devour workers once happy tossing hay drinking cider with Rosie spat out like bastard children by their machine and robots.And, our fields of wheat now lay barren and weeded and in the rural diversification middle class golf course pursuits of the profit hungry merciless money-monger capitalist greedy fat lazy pigs.
      Well cud be worse?
      Still got me 7.5% grog cheap as chips 3 ltr. cider ration each afternoon at 2pm thou’ !? 😦
      Or we’d all just stayin bed indefinitely.
      Which is drank in copious amounts warm until drunk as a all young to middle aged single men ‘ere in North Staffordshire formerly location known as ‘The Potteries” up ‘ere in northwest England
      A city called Stoke-on-Trent) and ‘dunner’ (coliquel common local slang term for do not or don’t, we for some sad foolish reason call each other even man to man: DUcK? In towns named Hanley, Fenton, Tunstall , Burslem and Longton five towns or six which make this urban multi nuclei connerebation a city. Ganted by Westminster’s, London’s and the United Kingdom’s Parliament and by an Elizabethan 20th. century Royal decree in ’63.
      Nuthin ‘ere today but abject poverty post-industrial crime ridden drug infested misery:( sorry 😉 I’m off as far away from Stoke one can be.
      Like? ASAP!
      Have a great sunny warm and pleasant Sundee x

  6. Gemma says:

    I’ve somehow never read Cider with Rosie, but I love your review of it. I must try and read this book soon!

    1. bookssnob says:

      Oh, you must! It’s a true treasure!

  7. Enid Lacob says:

    I agree read A Month in the Country and also The Dig byJohn Preston which is a treasure too. Cider with Rosie is always a favourite source of reading comprehension in South African schools especially the part about his first day at school when he thought he was getting a present !!!!!!

    1. bookssnob says:

      Ha! I loved that bit! Thanks Enid – I just read A Month in the Country and loved it – will post about it soon. I will look out for The Dig!

  8. For those in the UK, ‘As I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning’ is this week’s book of the week on Radio 4 & available to listen to online. It’s just so, so beautiful & takes me back to when I was about 16 & read it and wanted to go off on adventures of my own…listening to it being read so wonderfully (by Tobias Menzies) definitely makes me want to revisit Laurie Lee.

    1. bookssnob says:

      Oh I hope it’s still there as I’d love to listen – thank you Sarah! I shall be reading this one next.

  9. Michelle Ann says:

    It is many years since I read this, so must read it again. I don’t remember the detail, but do remember that I preferred the sequal, ‘I Walked Out One Midsummer Morning’. A book I read more recently on a similar theme of country life in the early years of the century is ‘A Child in the Forest’ by Winifred Foley. I can really recommend that too.

    1. bookssnob says:

      Thanks for the recommendation, Michelle Ann – and you must try reading it again!

  10. You always grab my interest and carry me along in your reviews, Rachel – and have definitely grabbed my interest with this post. It reminds me a bit of the Larkrise to Candleford books. I know I would be lost in this story and will be looking to read it.

    Hope all is well on your side of the pond.

    1. bookssnob says:

      Thanks Penny – I know you would adore every minute of this. You should definitely get a copy and lose yourself in the English countryside. You know, I have never read Lark Rise – that’s another one I need to get around to. Perhaps this summer!

  11. Angie says:

    I love your review Rachel. It has reminded me why I must dust down my copy and read it.

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