Wake by Anna Hope


This is such a brilliant book; one that is both beautifully written and emotionally involving, with a fascinating plot and wonderful characters who pluck at your heartstrings on every page. There are plenty of modern novels out there that try and recreate the experience of war, and many of these have become modern classics – Birdsong and the Regeneration trilogy probably being the most well known. However, what makes this revisiting of WWI so interesting is that it sets itself just after the war, in 1920, in the week leading up to the burial of The Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey. The battlefields here are not those infamous mud-sodden tranches of France and Belgium, but the homes of three London women who have lived through the war and are still fighting with its aftermath. This is a time and an experience not often written about, and I found it absolutely fascinating and thought provoking to consider the profound change that the war brought to so many people’s lives, whether they lost someone they loved or not. Hope explores the impossibility of resuming a normal life after the emotional and physical toll of living through such horror and grief for so long, and through drawing together the lives of three seemingly disparate women dealing with very different circumstances, she allows us into the world of a battered country whose people were still reeling from the shock of the war, two years after ‘victory’ had been won.

Ada is a middle aged housewife in Hackney, her world seemingly preoccupied with her cleaning, shopping and husband Jack, who spends most of his time at his allotment. She has lived her entire married life in her house, content with the little she has, happy in her marriage and in her close circle of neighbourhood friends. However, the visit one morning of a door-to-door salesman, a former soldier, reveals the deep tragedy of Ada’s life. He seems to want to tell her something about her only child, Michael, who never came home from the war, but he leaves, frightened, before Ada can question him further. Three years on, she still doesn’t know how he died, and this haunts her; she sees him everywhere she goes, and cannot let go until she knows his fate. Across town, in leafy Primrose Hill, Evelyn, a 29 year old ‘spinster’ from a wealthy family, shares a flat with her best friend and works in the Pensions office responsible for handing out money to ex-soldiers. She is deeply unhappy, still grieving the death of her fiance at the Front, and unable to move forward with her life or take any joy in her existence. Her job, dealing with the emotion and anger of soldiers reduced to nothing to live upon, depresses her even further. However, one day, a man comes asking not for money, but for information about his old Captain. Evelyn is shocked to hear him name her brother, who survived the war but came back an utterly changed man, and seems to spend most of his days soaked in whisky. Initially Evelyn refuses to help, but horrified that her brother may have committed an atrocity in battle, she determines to seek out answers. Meanwhile, Hettie, a teenage dance instructress at the Hammersmith Palais, is trying to find love and laughter amidst a world of broken men and despairing women. Her father is dead, her brother incapacitated by the horrors of what he experienced and her mother lost in grief. Her home in Hammersmith has lost any life and she is desperate to escape, but the strict confines of her mother’s rules and the financial dependence her family now has upon her prevents her from living the life she wants. One night, however, a handsome man asks her to dance at a shady nightclub in the city. Attracted by his cool, mysterious demeanour, Hettie can’t resist the chance to get to know him better, in the hope that he might be a ticket to a new start.

Meanwhile, the process of choosing the body of an unnamed soldier and bringing it back home is ongoing in France, and the anticipation in London is building. For so many people who have never seen the bodies of their dead, or where they are resting, this is a deeply personal event; a chance for them to say goodbye, to grieve afresh, to experience the funeral they never got to give their boys. For the men who served and returned, it is a chance for them to weep for the comrades they lost, and acknowledge their grief publicly, perhaps for the first time. A nation in mourning looks to the body of this poor soul as a way to achieve a collective catharsis; a chance to put the lid on the war once and for all, and to move on, together, to a better future. For Ada, Evelyn and Hettie, The Unknown Warrior has an indidivual significance, and each will wrestle with their desire to both go and watch the ceremony, and to stay away, as they confront the grief his burial resurfaces, and consider how to allow themselves to find happiness again.

This is such a remarkable book that brings the period to life through its troubled characters and the drab, dismal setting of a scarred and dirty post-war London, filled with unemployed men and grey-faced women lost in a world that has become so different from the one they used to know. It is beautifully and inventively written, adding something unique and genuinely enlightening to the canon of contemporary historical fiction. I was delighted by how much I enjoyed it, and it is particularly promising that this is Anna Hope’s debut novel; I can’t wait to see what she writes next. Wake is not one to miss, and in the centenary of WWI, essential reading.


  1. There are so many novels published about the First World War just this year but this one shone out for me. It’s such an original idea, and a very polished first novel. Like you, I’m looking forward to her second novel very much

    1. bookssnob says:

      I’m glad you enjoyed it, Susan – I think it is very polished and I love how she decided to write about an event that has become a bit historically lost amidst all the other events of the period.

  2. EllenB says:

    Yes yes yes to everything you said. A perfect review which will entice many to read this remarkable book.

    1. bookssnob says:

      Thank you so much for sending it to me Ellen! Such a joy to read! 🙂

  3. Sounds excellent, Rachel. I’d initially dismissed this, since unlike you I think there are far, far too many books written about this time and these sorts of experiences and I couldn’t face the thought of another. How many thousands of books, fiction and non-fiction, genre and lit, are there out there about the immediate aftermath of the war? And a fair number of them are focused on women’s experiences with soldiers who returned – or didn’t. Just off the top of my head, I’m thinking of The Return of the Soldier by Rebecca West, In the Mountains by Elizabeth von Arnim, major sections of Bricks and Mortar by Helen Ashton, not even to mention all the family sagas so popular in the 50s and 60s. Still, you’ve convinced me that this book stands out among the rest!!!

    1. bookssnob says:

      I obviously haven’t read as widely as you, Claire! Now you mention it, I have read The Return of the Soldier, but most of the other books I’ve read about war have been set either before or during it, so I found this one a nice change. I think you’d enjoy it – it’s honestly very well written.

  4. Gemma says:

    I hadn’t heard of this book before reading your review, but it sounds really interesting. I’ll definitely be adding it to my reading list!

    1. bookssnob says:

      I hope you will read it soon, Gemma!

  5. heavenali says:

    I have been meaning to buy this book for a while. You have convinced me.

    1. bookssnob says:

      I’m glad to hear it! I know you’ll love it.

  6. As you may suspect, this is on my TBR list, Rachel. Your review is compelling and, as always, well written. Thank you.

    1. Jenny Pengelley says:

      Thank you for this excellent review. It is so good that the book becomes essential reading, and in the light of so much maudlin centenary ‘stuff’,I congratulate you on bringing its difference to light.

    2. bookssnob says:

      I’m sure this will be something you love, Penny. Thank you – I’m glad you enjoyed the review!

    3. bookssnob says:

      I know you’ll love it Penny and I hope you’ll get to it soon!

  7. I’ve been dithering about reading this one for a while, have checked it out and returned it to the library several times, but this time I will keep it for a while. This sounds to be a cut above a lot of the other centenary fiction coming out this year.

    1. bookssnob says:

      You must read it! It very quickly pulls you in and then you won’t be able to put it down, I promise!

  8. Enid Lacob says:

    I am going to read it after that review of yours. I loved the Pat barker trilogy and feel i should read this too . I have been put off as there is so much of centenary fiction coming out that looks formulaic. I am reading a wonderful Persephone press book The Far Cry by Emma smith and like you said so much that is published today is often very mediocre so i love these reprints by Persephone.

    1. bookssnob says:

      I’m sure you’d love it, Enid! Please do give it a go. Isn’t Persephone wonderful? One of their new books for the Spring is a WWI novel…

  9. Lauren says:

    I really enjoyed the book as well – I liked Anna Hope’s writing style a lot, although I would have liked to see more development with Hettie’s character. I expected to like her the most but at the end I felt like I was still waiting for her to make a meaningful connection with me as the reader. But I agree that it’s a really lovely story about a very sad time – great review!

    1. bookssnob says:

      Interesting, Lauren – I thought Hettie was intriguing and liked the fact that she was a bit mysterious. I wanted to find out more about her brother and what had happened to him – the whole family seemed to be so lost in their own sadness. Glad you liked the review!

  10. Peggy says:

    Thank you for your review! I have this one on hold at the library and now am looking forward to it even more.

    1. bookssnob says:

      I hope you’ll love it as much as I did, Peggy!

      1. Peggy says:

        Just finished this last night. A satisfying read with a solid ending. I don’t know how many contemporary novels I’ve read that start out spectacularly and then flame out–that did not happen here. There were some instances where I felt the author could have been more subtle, but my noticing that only seemed to make me look forward to Hope’s future work.

  11. Biblibio says:

    Such an interesting book, and really quite a pleasure to read. I always like books about the Great War (there aren’t nearly enough), but specifically Wake did a very good job of showing many different aspects of both the war and its ultimate impact.

    1. bookssnob says:

      Yes – it did manage to do something different which was much appreciated, especially as I feel like I’ve read everything to do with the period!!

  12. Jo says:

    I read this a few weeks ago. I must say it was one of the best books I have read. As a history student (of old) this really is a book which captures so much that is mainly left unspoken. A must read if you want to read anything in these commemorative years. I am hoping to go and see her speak in July at a local festival.

    1. bookssnob says:

      I’m so glad you loved this too – it does manage to recreate an emotional experience that seems largely unexplored in literature. How lucky – I shall have to google that as I’d love to hear her speak!

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