


During half term, I had the great pleasure of going on an epic tour of three of London’s museums. The V&A has always been my favourite London museum and is usually my first port of call when I go into town for a culture fix. I grew to love it with a passion when I worked there in my early twenties, but though much of the building is well known to me, I never fail to be surprised on every visit. My latest trip saw me purposefully trying to avoid my usual gallery haunts in order to open my mind to forms of art and design I don’t naturally find fascinating, and hopefully learn something new in the process. This time I started in the architecture gallery, which I have always felt I can’t enjoy because I don’t know enough to appreciate what I am looking at. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I didn’t need any technical knowledge to understand and enjoy the displays, and I spent a very enjoyable half an hour looking at a wonderful little exhibition about British architects working in the colonies between the 18th and 20th centuries. I then popped upstairs to the ceramics galleries, where I absolutely loved looking at a range of beautiful, decorative pieces of pottery of all different periods and designs. I had never noticed the huge collection of 1940s and 1950s ceramics before, and seeing the gorgeous Eric Ravilious Wedgwood designs I have coveted for years in the flesh was quite the treat. A further treat on my way out of the museum was popping into the Medieval and Renaissance Galleries, whose colossal sculptures can often feel overwhelming. However, having time and space to view them up close showed me how breathtakingly intricate they are, and gave me a newfound appreciation of their beauty.



After hopping off the tube at Leicester Square for a quick trip to my favourite second hand book shop, Any Amount of Books, I thought I’d pop into The National Gallery while I was in the neighbourhood. I did have the vague idea of seeing the Van Gogh sunflowers exhibition, but the queue was ridiculous and frankly, I don’t rate Van Gogh sufficiently highly to justify spending an hour of my life being attacked by pigeons in Trafalgar Square in order to see his pictures. So, instead, I thoroughly enjoyed myself in my favourite gallery, which is presided over by a wonderfully pompous equestrian portrait of Charles I that never fails to make me smile at its sheer arrogance. Next to Charles is a portrait of two Royalist brothers who died during the Civil War, and I have always loved it because I find it hilarious that these likely lads represent the pin-ups of early 17th century Britain. Check out the luscious hair! Those elegant, manicured hands! Those shiny shiny trousers! Those four inch heels! Those lantern jaws! What’s not to love? The fact that one of them was called Bernard makes them even more of a catch. I’d love to know more about what shenanigans they got up to before they were sadly cut down in their prime. Those gloves have definitely got some stories to tell.



Finally, I swung by Two Temple Place, which is the best new cultural visitor attraction London has gained over the past few years, in my opinion. Its exhibitions are always interesting and unexpected, and the building itself is a real gem and just as worth the visit as the objects on display. Don’t miss the chance to stop and stare at the incredible carving in the main stairwell; one of the staff members explained that the figures are from a range of Shakespeare plays and Sir Walter Scott’s novels, which makes for good fun trying to spot who is who while balancing precariously on the stairs. The current exhibition is Discoveries: Art, Science and Exploration from the University of Cambridge museums, and it is absolutely fascinating, with a huge range of artefacts that can’t fail to amaze and delight. From a dodo skeleton to Victorian photographs of the Australian outback, to beautiful 18th century telescopes and exquisite Japanese paintings, the selection of exhibits is brilliantly eclectic and so different to anything I would normally see. What makes it even better is that it is completely free, and the cafe serves absolutely delicious cake. All in all, a great day out and another reminder to be grateful for the variety on offer amongst London’s museums.


  1. Laurin Lindsey says:

    Love it! I have always been into museum-ing as you call it! Whenever I head to a new city I research where the gardens and museums are located and see what I can fit in. This is something I have done ever since High school. My children grew up museum-ing. I remember my daughter taking her boyfriend (now husband) to San Francisco early on and taking him to the art museum there. She was quite surprised to find out he had never done that before.
    I love the V& A and the National Gallery! I lived in London for a year as a tourist while my husband worked there. I used to frequent the museums regularly. There is nothing quite so humbling as to sit in front of a great art work and get perspective on life! I lived just down the road from Ravenscourt Tube Station…hence the name of my company and blog: ) Here in Houston we have some wonderful museums and every Thursday they are free!

    1. bookssnob says:

      I’m glad you’re a big fan of museums too! How lucky that you got to spend a year as a tourist in London…I’d love to do that! One day I shall have to make it to Houston to see what you have on show. I love visiting museums in new cities – they say so much about a place, I find.

  2. Nicola says:

    Love the good old V&A. Lovely post and glad you are feeling better now.

    1. bookssnob says:

      Thanks Nicola!

  3. What fun you have been having, which makes me feel twice as good, for the joyful images and words you express here, and because it must mean you have recovered from the flu and its consequences. Yea!

    1. bookssnob says:

      Thanks Penny! Yes, nearly back on form! 🙂

  4. Annabel (gaskella) says:

    Wow – I was completely unaware of two temple place – must go!

    1. bookssnob says:

      Yes Annabel, you must! I’m sure you’d love it.

  5. Elena says:

    I want all the mugs and cups on picture 2. No, seriously, imagine having breakfast in those! They could brighten the darkest, saddest day! I don’t know how you passed by and did not steal one 😉

    1. bookssnob says:

      Well sadly they are locked in a case. Otherwise I would have! 🙂

  6. Enid Lacob says:

    I love the V and A and the shop is the best !!!!!!!

    1. bookssnob says:

      Isn’t it just? The best place in London to pick up a present in my opinion!

  7. teamgloria says:

    oh that WAS lovely!

    feeling a tiny bit homesick over here and a trip to Charing Cross Road (do they really still sell Books By The Yard? amazing) and the NG was delicious.

    just what the doctor ordered.


    _tg xx

  8. I love the Wallace Collection and the Foundling Museum. Its been a couple of years since I’ve been able to get down to London with one thing and another but I hope to have the time (and cash) to do so later this year. I will try out your recommendations as alternatives to my usual haunts. If you loved the ceramic collection at the V&A, I highly recommend the Wedgwood Museum in Staffordshire. Happy museum-ing!

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